“Let go, or be dragged.” Zen Proverb
My journey with Buddhist meditation has been just as long, starting when I was just 17. I draw my primary inspiration from existential humanist and Zen Buddhist philosophies. There are countless quotes about Zen, enough to fill encyclopedias, and far too many books claim a tenuous link to Zen and Buddhism—none of which interest me. After nearly thirty years of practicing Zen, I have no desire to contribute to the word salad. As one quote succinctly says, Zen is ordinary. It is everything experienced right now, unshaken by therapy, hallucinogens, or prayer. Zen simply *is*, until it is not. Zen Buddhist counseling is about accessing openness and ease of acceptance. Nothing more. If we can learn to accept our ordinary, everyday lives—with all the suffering that often accompanies them—we’ll be okay. I’d usually say, “Hang in there,” but I really mean, “Let go.” Stop wishing for a different life, partner, body, car, home, or health. Accept what you have and work with it. Let go.
Please refer to the suggested reading page for more on the influences I value.